Robert Johnson, Jr. Excellent site. David Allen Deal mentioned my work on Greek art in his "Noah's Ark: The Evidence" and we became friends. Together we came to understand that Naamah, the last person mentioned in the line of Cain (Genesis 4:22), came through the Flood as Ham's wife. She is the goddess worshiped under so many names in the post-Flood era for inspiring the return of the way of Cain. I go into some detail about this in "Noah in Ancient Greek Art." Also, at, I share 37 images of Noah in ancient Greek art. You may want to link with my "The Forbidden Theory of Ancient Greek Art" here: It's a good summary. Keep up the good work. Robert Sharon G. Hi! I was looking for a book title on Penny & Jim Caldwell's site & somehow found a link to you! I am in AWE! I learned about the Bibical Discoveries about 14 yrs ago when I met Michael Rood & the Rives in Austin, Tx. I was SO surprised to see photos & books I have never seen before...on your site! Especially of Ron & sons working on excavations! I have many of them, plus DVDs. It's like seeing more pieces to put the incredible puzzle (story) together! I have to say, your site has more books, etc. than others ...& I just LOVE it! I'm sure I will be looking at your many pages/links for quite awhile! God Bless you & your family! Sharon Garry P., Hello Val, Just been looking at your website and i have been blessed by what i have been reading. I too recently came back from seeing the sites at Sodom & Gomorrah and i would really like to tell people in the UK about these wonderful discoveries. I would like to set-up a website and get some flyers produced... Hope to hear from you soon. Please keep up the good work. I am sure that your website is blessing many people. Garry Wednesday, December 25, 2013 Jeffrey B., Hi Val, I may have mentioned this to you in a previous email: it was primarily through Ron Wyatt's testimony that the Lord brought me to salvation and delivered me from deep within the pit. Although my Father in heaven had been drawing me for some time, the season of deliverance got under way in earnest two years ago today, and continued for the better part of three weeks until my birthday on January 13th. If I were to pinpoint a specific moment of salvation during that season of extraordinary deliverance it would be when Ron was describing the process of how the Blood of Jesus Christ had dripped down through the bedrock rent by the earthquake and onto the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant that Jeremiah had positioned there six centuries previously. You'd have to know my testimony, but the impact of that Truth as Ron was explaining it struck with such a force of revelation that I went to the ground, bawling my eyes out at the wonder and mercy and goodness and graciousness of a God who loves with such a great and mighty love that He would give His life for me, a terrible sinner. It was as though blinders were ripped from my eyes and I could see the Truth who is Jesus Christ. It was at that point that I gave my life, my heart, my soul and my strength to the Lord. Since then He has been doing an amazing work of restoration in my life and the lives of those in my house. My son had been in deep bondage to drugs, alcohol and prescription meds. The Lord has completely delivered him from every single addiction. Hallelujah! There are so many things, but it is Christmas and I won't keep you. Thank you so much for the work you have been doing with your website. It's amazing when you think about it: the most utterly astonishing archaeological sites in the world which completely authenticate the veracity of the Bible and who pays attention. If you are interested I have made a playlist of some videos available on the Internet on Ron's work and also some related videos: Jeff's List of Discovery Videos May the Lord God, Creator of Heaven and Earth bless you and your family dear sir! Merry Christmas, Jeff Monday, August 10, 2008 Pastor Charles Mwanda of KING JESUS WORSHIP Congregation, Dear Servant Of God, I hope you got my two emails the last one being the pictures. I would be glad to get replies so that I may send more. I have just completed showing in the village which is on the border of Kenya and Uganda. Now am preparing to make the next mission. I am taking this as a very important missions because these areas I am going with my two teammates are areas heavly dominated with negative beliefs about the bible and christianity. These discoveries are bringing new believers and opening the hearts of many to recieve Christ. In these areas we have churches that help us in coordination. It will be blessings to recieve the next parcel you promised to send which will boost the work of God. It is hard sometimes for most people to understand english so I always hire an interpreter to help us in local languages. When you send the next parcel please let me know so that I may check in the post office. (Maybe what I have not told you is that I have a wife -Justine Wanyonyi. God has blessed us with four children and my wife is pregnant with the fifth-she is to deliver very soon.) God be with you and bless every work you are doing for His honor and Glory. Thank you very much, Pastor Charles ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() KING JESUS WORSHIP Congregation Charles Wanyonyi Mwanda Box 99149 Mombasa, Kenya Wednesday, Aug 30, 2006 David Dear friends in Christ our Lord, Greetings from the Czech Republic, small country in the Eastern Europe. My name is David Sladky and I together with my friend in Christ become interested in biblical discoveries as presented by Ron and his friends. We are strongly convinced that this is Lord's hand which is bringing these discoveries in these last days before the eyes of the whole world. Same as you, we both feel responsibility in bringing these discoveries to the people here in our country. We would like to publish some book and make a DVD about these discoveries in our language. As we don't have all the means to go to all these places by ourselves and as we think that all of us interested in these discoveries don't have to necessarily go to these places personally, we would like to kindly ask you for some help in spreading these information here. Can we please ask you to send us high quality pictures (for DTP processing) of the places you already visited and some videos on DVD covering the same places? This would help us a lot to spread information about these discoveries here in our country. Thank you a lot in advance. May God bless you and your work! David Sladky The Czech Republic in Europe Indicate whether to post your email address or not. |
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