![]() Around 2007 Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis and builder of the ark "replica" in Kentucky appears to have had an epiphany. In the Answers in Genesis "Fresh Look at Noah's Ark" article and as illustrated on the cover of their Answers magazine, they now changed from supporting an achitypical 450' (Modern Hebrew Cubit of 18") barge-shaped view of Noah's Ark to a much larger boat-shaped Ark. Another interesting thing that happened just then was I was given that very issue of "Answers" magazine by some great kids whose family I had shared the discovery information with. ![]() I found that Answers in Genesis now chose the Nipper (or Sumerian) cubit much larger at 20.42" and a more ancient cubit to represent the ark dimensions and even decided there could be a moon pool on the ark. And yet the Ark Encounter website continues to state that the "Ark-shaped" Durupinar formation, first to exhibit these design features, is just one of many similar-looking geological formations in this region of Turkey. The late David Deal who found the remains of the ancient city of Mesha-Nauxan above the Durupinar site stated, "The detractors call it the boat-shaped object. I find that an apt description of a boat." So my question to AIG is when did you determine the Durupinar site was "Ark-shaped?" ![]() Before 2007 Answers in Genesis had long promoted the 450' long barge shape that all ark hunters and enthusiasts promoted the Ark was shaped like. Most were "honest folks" as Ron Wyatt used to say. Above I'm holding Tom Crotser's barge-shaped Ark model with Leon Halcomb who accompanied Tom on a couple of his expeditions in search of the Ark in the early 1970's. I had a chance to meet Tom as well and he asked me if I really thought the Durupinar site was the Ark. I told him I did, but I don't think he was satisfied. It's hard when you have so much invested in spending, promotion and reputation. This is why so many still trek up a volcano and continue to search for barge shaped remains. And why so many will never admit they could be wrong. ![]() 2017 marks 40 years since the late Ron Wyatt and his two sons traveled, by faith, across Turkey by train without knowledge of the language, witnessed and brought back physical evidence from the actual remains (Durupinar site) of the Ark of Noah. Ron found the cubit of the remains to match the Royal Egyptian Cubit (20.6") brought to Egypt by descendents of Noah's son Ham. This cubit was used to build the Great Pyramid at Giza and was learned in Egypt by Moses who wrote the Genesis account. The Royal Egyptian Cubit was proven to be the cubit of the Bible at Solomon's gate. David Fasold, a marine salvage expert who later worked with Ron, first suggested a moon pool on the ark based on radar scans of the Durupinar remains. What a coincidence! After so many years of AIG publishing debunking articles on Ron's discoveries it appears the loss in reputation and possibly donations by their admitting the actual remains exist is detering. Had they used the true remains as their model it would have been great, however now they would have to increase the dimensions starting with five more feet of length, add four massive keelsons, remove each wooden plank and replace with laminated wood (pitched within) equaling the strength of steel and replace wooden peg fastening with expensive alloy rivets that were available pre-flood through Tubalcain. But then as Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis and Ark Encounter president and CEO, says it wasn't built to float. "We built it as a reminder, a reminder in regard to God's word and the account of Noah and the flood." This begs the question that at this time, given the amount of evidence for the Durupinar site and AIG's obvious plagiarism from it, is their totally inferior ark version a reminder or a distraction to the truth?
Additional Durupinar Site Research Resources
"Noah's Ark: Its Geometry" by Samuel R. Windsor "A Debate: The Site of Noah's Ark" by Donald W. Patten "Noah's Vessel: 24,000 Deadweight Tons" by Samuel R. Windsor "The Discovery of Noah's Long-Lost City - Mesha / Naxuan" by David A. Deal "Recent Travels to the Iranian Frontier of Eastern Turkiye" - Robert C. Michelson |